most roughly

美 [moʊst ˈrʌfli]英 [məʊst ˈrʌfli]
  • adv.大致;大约;粗鲁地;粗糙地;凹凸不平地;差不多;粗暴地
  • roughly的最高级
most roughlymost roughly
  1. Photograph by Mark Moffett Most of the roughly 1800 species of mantids-often called praying mantises-spend their time sitting and waiting , seemingly at prayer .


  2. Most of us have roughly the same number of offspring .


  3. The researchers found that the most advantageous cloaking requires roughly 200 layers of the metamaterial , but there is scope for much thinner materials to be used in future .


  4. Different from other common segment method , the proposed method refers to color rarity and local edge proper considering the characteristics of soccer video images , that most non-object regions are roughly single green .


  5. An end to such ramping will chase out most retail punters : roughly half of all IPO shares , or 70 per cent of those allotted to retail , are sold on day one , according to brokers CLSA .


  6. But nowadays , more and more women have become the breadwinners . According to The Atlantic , between 1960 and 2011 in the US , the proportion of two-parent US households in which the mother earned all or most of the income roughly quadrupled .
